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L’Oréal takes another step into beauty tech at CES2020 with introduction of Perso: a first-of-its-kind, 3-in-1 device for personalized at-home skincare and cosmetics

Smart AI system creates on-demand, personalized formulas for skincare, lipstick, and foundation that optimize over time—incorporating real-time skin assessment, air-quality, pollution data and trend analysis

CES, Las Vegas – WEBWIRE

L’Oréal unveiled Perso, an AI-powered at-home system that represents the ultimate in beauty personalization. Developed by the L’Oréal Technology Incubator, Perso’s sleek device, which stands 6.5 inches high and weighsjust over one pound, features  a streamlined four-step process to deliver on-the-spot skincare and cosmetic formulas  that optimize for increasing levels of personalization over time.

“Building on our deep scientific heritage and leadership in innovation, L’Oréal is once again leveraging advanced technology to create smart beauty products and services that answer the needs of our consumers and offer themnear-limitless personalization and precision,”said Nicolas Hieronimus, L’Oréal’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer. “We are committed to making L’Oréal the leader in Beauty Tech –and Perso is the next step in that exciting journey.”

Today’s launch at CES 2020 in Las Vegas represents phase one of the rollout of this first-of-its-kind 3-in-1 technology, with the introduction of Perso’s skincare capabilities. The device can also create custom formulas for lipstick and foundation—capabilities which will launch at a later date.

“L’Oréal is one of the most trusted names in beauty, and with Perso, we  are  putting  personalized technology  directly  into  the  hands  of  our  consumers,”said Guive  Balooch,  Head  of  L’Oréal’s Technology  Incubator. “We know that customization relies on information about your unique skin and personal preferences as well as your environment; this technology accounts for that. Perso uses AI to optimize the formulas and actually gets smarter as you use it.”

How Perso’s Smart Skincare System Works
With a patented motorized cartridge system, Persocreates personalized skincare formulas in four steps:

1. Personal skin analysis: The user opens the Persomobile app  and takes a photo  with their smartphone  camera. Utilizing L’Oréal-owned ModiFace technology, the app uses AI to analyze the user’s overall skin condition—including deep wrinkles, fine  lines,  the  appearance  of  dark spots, and pore visibility.

2. Environmental assessment: Using Breezometer geo-location data, Persoassesses local environmental conditions that can influence the state of the user’s skin, including weather, temperature, pollen, UV index, and humidity.

3. Product preference: The user then enters their personal skincare concerns into the Persoapp, including fine lines, dark spots, pigmentation, pore size, radiance, and  dullness.The user can also input preferred texture and hydration-level to further  customize their  unique  formula  of moisturizer, serum, and under-eye cream.

4. Custom   formulation   and   dispensing: This collective   data   informs   the   creation   of   a personalized blend of high-performance skincare, dispensed in a perfectly portioned, single dose at the top of the device for easy, clean application.  The technology adjusts for morning and evening application, and the device features a  detachable  mirrored  top  so  consumers  have  the option of taking a single or larger dose with them on-the-go.

Perso’s hardware features a uniquely designed motor system located  at  the  top  of  the  device  which moves  and  compresses  the  formula  from  the  cartridges  at  the  base  of  the  machine  in  an  upward motion to the dispensing tray above.

With regular use, Perso’s AIplatform will be able to assess skin conditions over time, letting the user know what is working and will automatically adapt future formulas based on personal results.

Perso’s future makeup offerings will have the capability to incorporate  real-time  trend  information  as well as color-matching technology into its personalized product offerings. Consumers would be able to design a lipstick shade to match their outfit or to opt for a color that is trending on social media at that moment.  

As part of L’Oréal’s commitment to streamlining the personalized beauty experience, Persofeatures a seamless automatic refill process that ensures its custom, NFC-tagged cartridges are always stocked and ready for daily use. Users can easily manage shipments from the Persomobile app.

Persotechnology builds  upon  L’Oréal’s  years  of  expertise  building  innovative,  personalized  beauty experiences. Its smart system will be designed to respect consumer privacy, with transparent controls. The development of Persowas informed by the L’Oréal Technology Incubator’s successful launches of award-winning   products   including   the   personalized   skincare   system   Custom   D.O.S.E   by SkinCeuticals,   the   customized   foundation   platform   Le   Teint   Particulier   by   Lancôme,   at-home personalized  haircolor  system  Color  &  Co.,  and  My  Skin  Track  UV  by  La  Roche-Posay, the world’s first battery-free  wearable to measure personal  UV  exposure,  which  launched  at  CES  2018 and  was sold exclusively at Apple beginning in November 2018.

Persowill be launched in partnership with a leading L’Oréal skincare brand in 2021.

About L’Oréal

L’Oréal has devoted itself to beauty for over 100 years. With its unique international portfolio of 36 diverse and complementary brands,  the  Group  generated  sales  amounting  to  26.9  billion  euros  in 2018  and  employs  82,600  people  worldwide.  As the world’s leading beauty company,  L’Oréal  is present across all distribution networks: mass market, department stores, pharmacies and drugstores, hair salons, travel retail, branded retail and e-commerce.Research and innovation, and a dedicated research team of 4,000people, are at the core of L’Oréal’s strategy, working to meet beauty aspirations all over the world. L’Oréal’s sustainability commitment for 2020  “Sharing Beauty With All” sets out ambitious sustainable  development  objectives  across  the Group’s value chain.

For more information:

“T h i s p r e s s r e l e a s e d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e a n o f f e r o f s a l e o r s o l i c i t a t i o n o f a n o f f e r t o p u r c h a s e L ’ O r é a l s h a r e s . I f y o u w i s h t o o b t a i n m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t L ’ O r é a l , p l e a s e r ef e r t o t h e p u b l i c d o c u m e n t s r e g i s t e r e d i n F r a n c e w i t h t h e A u t o r i t é d e s M a r c h é s F i n a n c i e r s , a l s o a v a i l a b l e i n E n g l i s h o n o u r w e b s i t e
T h i s p r e s s r e l e a s e m a y c o n t a i n f o r e c a s t i n f o r m a t i o n . Wh i l e t h e C o m p a n y b e l i e v e s t h a t t h e s e s t a t e m e n t s a r e b a s e d o n r e a s o n a b l e a s s u m p t i o n s a s o f t h e d a t e o f p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s p r e s s r e l e a s e , t h e y a r e b y n a t u r e s u b j e c t t o r i s k s a n d u n c e r t a i n t i e s w h i c h m a y l e a d t o a d i s c r e p a n c y b e t w e e n t h e a c t u a l f i g u r e s a n d t ho s e i n d i c a t e d o r s u g g e s t e d i n t h e s e s t a t e m e n t s . ”

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