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MRPRO automates rollups of information needed by ASTM’s F2725 for REACH compliance


San Jose, CA, Jun 4, ‘08- Papros Inc.’s leading product for supply chain Product Environmental Lifecycle Management MRPRO now offers automated rollups of information for the ASTM F2725 standard. ASTM’s F2725 is a standard for upstream and downstream supply chain communication for information about products and parts, and it lists the critical information necessary for REACH compliance.

MRPRO offers the spreadsheet interface for Material/Substance Declarations in addition to industry and W3C compliant XML formats for the data. Rollups of parts information can be carried out for information provided in the IPC 1752 format typical for the Electronics sector, or the SAE’s AS9535 typical for the Aerospace sector, or in an open spreadsheet format that is typical in the Chemical or general sectors.

MRPRO offers material information rollups all the way from single parts to complex BOMs to merging the shipped information to creation of bulk or simple pre-registration documents for REACH compliance submission conforming to the ECHA XML schema.

MRPRO supports Design for the Environment by easily exchanging product footprint, obsolescence information and due diligence communications in the realm of Montebello Agreement, REACH, RoHS, RoHS-like (China, Korea), JMOSS, WEEE, EuP, AB 32, Green Chemistry Initiative, Extended Producer Responsibility and other emerging regulations. MRPRO enables compliance by full support for data conforming to EIA, JEDEC, JIG (supports the latest JIG-101A), IPC, SAE and ASTM standards. Its spreadsheet interface enables easy conversion from the multitudes of spreadsheet formats for the exchange of product or parts data. By enabling conformance to specific industry and cross-industry standards, MRPRO supports a complex supply chain that encompasses electronics, aerospace, medical devices, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and a multitude of more sectors. MRPRO offers unparalleled robustness in developing Substance Declarations for components, assemblies, electronic products, light and heavy duty industrial goods and equipment, commercial machinery and also for other consumer products.

Papros Inc. offers an unique suite of products to support a whole series of product, part and raw material information collection, maintenance and use in a highly automated manner. The products support both list based and risk based approaches for chemical management in products, and also enable a greener footprint at the enterprise level. This is done by enabling companies to track not only material composition, but also environmental footprint information such as wastes created, or air emissions including greenhouse gases during the entire lifecycle or in specific phases of use, from raw material to end of life. Each footprint parameter is assigned a code. Thus various exposure routes for different use scenarios for the same substance can be offered unique codes. This data lends itself to commonly accepted risk evaluation modeling. Footprint rollups also include the methodology for greenhouse gas emissions aggregations, which is done efficiently in the program.

Papros Inc.’s products offer robust performance, scalability and efficiency for tracking green chemistry in products. They enable these features in a manner that protects companies’ valuable IP as well in a manner that offer the companies many choices, and do not restrictively hold the companies’ data captive in any manner, while enabling easy exchange, if by voluntary choice, of the data.

About Papros Inc:

Papros Inc. has been committed to providing Total Environmental Management solutions to US and International companies. “Optimizing the Greenback and the Green Environment” has been the slogan of Papros Inc. since its inception more than twenty-one years back. Based in San Jose, California, Papros Inc.’s solutions span the entire spectrum of Environmental Management and feature tools to enable corporations worldwide to deploy and manage product environmental lifecycle data in efficient, easy-to-use and economic manner to support the infrastructure needed for manufacturing, and for rapid changes in product design.


 Green chemistry
 Green manufacturing

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