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Annette K Mazzone’s “Lily Among Thorns” is a Christian End-Time Story Where Bible Prophecy Comes Alive, at the 2023 San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books

A young woman takes the walk of life with her strong belief in the Bible.


“Great Read!! The best book ever penned!!” – Daniel Maddox, Amazon customer

Annette K Mazzone’s “Lily Among Thorns: Song of Solomon 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3” was showcased by the self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the 2023 San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books. The book festival took place at the University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, last August 19, 2023.

ReadersMagnet helps independent and self-published authors gain exposure for their works, expand their audience, and connect with readers, fellow authors, booksellers, and other stakeholders of the publishing industry. The company performs various marketing initiatives online and at events such as the 2023 San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books.

“Lily Among Thorns: Song of Soloman 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3”

The Twentieth Century should have taught humanity how it is the world could spin out of control and be led into two World Wars when a tyrannical ruler seizes power. But sorry to say the worst is yet to come, and here in the first decades of the Twenty-First Century. The current woes of society will lead to an antichrist, The “Global Leader” the Bible speaks of as that “Man of Sin,” as it is written in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”

The consequences thereof is what happens when the Bible-Believing Christian becomes enemy number one in this “ New Oppressive World Order.” Here is the story of one such young woman in her mid-twenties, Lily, whose horrific crimes against humankind is her love for the Lord and her belief in the Bible as it is written. She is but one of many, and through the tremendous loss of family and love.

With the long arm of the law ramping up a complete surveillance society, she manages to keep the faith and, along the way, finds the faith of others is everywhere, and as it is written in Genesis 50:20, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is the day, to save much people alive.”

Get a copy of Annette K. Mazzone’s Lily Among Thorns on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

“Lily Among Thorns: Song of Solomon 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3”
Author| Annette K Mazzone
Published Date| 2020
Publisher| Christian Faith Publishing
Genre| Eschatology: Christian Doctrine of the Last Days

Author’s Biography

The author Annette K Mazzone, sincere hope, the story Lily Among Thorns, inspires to the reader of the faithfulness of the Holy Scriptures, and reveals God’s Word as it is written in Revelation 10:11, “And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”

Furthermore, the author appreciates a good Bible Study, and uses her God given talents and pursuits for the betterment of the Kingdom of God, and for His Glory.

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 Lily Among Thorns
 Annette K Mazzone
 Song Of Solomon
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