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Elgin Hushbeck’s Enlightening Philosophical Exploration in “Faith and Reason” — A Powerful Exploration of Truth, Knowledge, and Belief


Elgin Hushbeck, an experienced author, engineer, and educator, brings us his new philosophical venture, “Faith and Reason.” Being a devoted Christian, he was inspired by his own experience of faith, which has always led him to ponder deeply about life, religion, and truth. This book is a product of those reflections, an exploration into understanding the roots of faith, reason, and their roles in shaping our beliefs. He urges his readers to question, seek evidence, and employ reason in the search for truth.

“Faith and Reason” speaks to the curious and the believers, discussing the nature of faith and belief and how these two forces interact. Readers can expect an enriching narrative that presents clear arguments and intriguing ideas and addresses issues about faith, reason, truth, and how we come to understand what we know. The book moves through topics like the nature of evidence, the importance of a strong intellect, and the power of living faith.

The author wants readers to consider the foundations of their own faith and understand the “why” behind their beliefs, which is why they are encouraged to read this book. In a moving passage from the book, it is said that “when two people look at the same evidence and reach different conclusions, the problem may not be with the evidence; the problem may be with one or even both of the people.” This makes readers reflect on how they view reality and how presumptions affect how we understand things.

Take a journey with Elgin Hushbeck and venture into the worlds of “Faith and Reason.” It’s a book that will inspire thought, challenge beliefs, and urge readers to understand the ’why’ behind their faith. Get a copy today and step into an interesting exploration of knowledge and belief, told by a brilliant author who has walked the path himself.

Visit to learn more about this book and prepare to experience an enlightening exploration of your own understanding of faith and reason.

Please click the link to access the other books written by Elgin Hushbeck.

Publisher : Energion Publications (March 1, 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 172 pages
ISBN-10 : 1631997440
ISBN-13 : 978-1631997440
Item Weight : 9.1 ounces
Dimensions : 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

About the Author

Elgin Hushbeck grew up as an “Air Force Brat” as all of his childhood was spent moving every few years, as his dad was reassigned. Born in England, he has lived in: Texas, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Central California, Ohio, and finally Southern California, where he graduated from High School (after moving his senior year). It was in Southern California where he met his lovely wife, Hanna and they married in 1975. Shortly after that Hushbeck joined the Air Force and again began to move around, this time moving to Texas, Illinois, and Montana, where his two children were born. After his four years was up however, Hushbeck decided that enough of his life had been spent moving for the military, and he left go to school. He returned to Southern California in 1980, though he still moved several more times. In 2007, he left Southern California for Wisconsin, and hopes that he does not have to move again.

Hushbeck’s background includes academic studies in religion, history, and engineering, culminating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, and Master’s degrees in both Christian Apologetics and an MBA/Technology Management. As an engineer he has worked for several engineering and technology firms including 5 years at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, where he was part of the Voyager Flight Team for Voyager’s encounter with the Planet Neptune. Since 1999 he and his wife have owned their own company, which designs and develops databases and custom software applications for businesses (his wife Hanna has a Master’s Degree in Applied Computer Science).

Hushbeck has taught at Simon Greenleaf University, and more recently at the University of Phoenix, where for several years he taught, among other things, classes in critical thinking both to students, and to other faculty.

What is faith and how does it differ from belief? How do people disagree, and why do people disagree? In particular, how does one make decisions about faith? Does reason enter into the discussion at all?

Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., author of two previous books in the Consider Christianity series, Evidence for the Bible and Christianity and Secularism, is very much concerned with these questions. After all, how can you conclude that the Bible is reliable or that Christianity is valid without discussing how it is that these questions are to be answered.

In “Faith and Reason,” Hushbeck continues what is both a long-term study and a journey of faith. This combination is particularly powerful, because he is discussing issues which have concerned him and others, and is speaking of something he has experienced. He is extraordinarily well-qualified to examine these issues in detail.

Unlike the first two volumes in the series, this book is directed more at a Christian audience. It calls for Christians to consider the “why” of their faith and to prepare to both consider and express. Amongst the many important topics covered are the definitions of “faith” and “reason,” the nature of evidence, critical thinking, logical fallacies, how critical thinking impacts Bible study, and finally what constitutes a living faith.

This book will be a powerful tool for Christians who want to think more clearly about their faith, but can be valuable for anyone interested in epistemology, especially in comparative religion.

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 Critical Thinking

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