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Author Kelub Isreal Dunbar pens a uniquely uplifting and thoughful book titled: “Inspire: The Way You Think Will Forever Be Enlightened”

This book will be on exhibit for fans to see and support at the upcoming 2020 BookExpo New Title Showcase

Hawaii – WEBWIRE

“An immensely inspirational journal book to get your mind expanding as you process your ideas. An amazing read- definitely recommended!”

“Inspire” is a book to help one person at a time make a change in the world. The only one of its kind, bringing extraordinary quotes and allowing readers to write their thoughts down instantly. This book opens your mind and heart to new experiences. It will plant a seed for those in need of a spark to transform their ideas into reality, helping inspire readers to own being different. With over a hundred unique quotes, it brings a new light to be inspired, encouraging you to think outside the box.
Ever witnessed a quote book with an open journal for the person reading it to write down their thoughts? If not here it is, the first of its kind, encouraging the reader to take a moment and reflect how each quote brings out different thoughts and emotions. This quote book serves to inspire a person to practice aligning their mind, body, and spirit to become one. When thoughts come from within, clarity awakens from noticing how inspiring everyone can be, including yourself. Throughout each quote, a blossom of awareness and connection to one’s highest self unveils one’s spirituality. After the repetition of journaling about each quote, those moments of reflection reveals pieces of one’s wholeness. In return, bringing forth profound levels of creativity and feelings of being grounded in knowing and feeling who you are. This book intends to ignite a fire within to awaken you. It is also giving insight into how a person can strengthen their mind, emotions, and spirit with one another in a unique way to enable clarity within oneself.
Immerse yourself in the mind-expanding, masterfully crafted and highly inspirational literature of Kelub Israel Dunbar as he presents his book “Inspire: The Way You Think Will Forever Be Enlightened” this May 27 – 29, 2020
at the 2020 BookExpo New Title Showcase, or purchase a Kindle or paperback copy of it on Amazon.
Inspire: The Way You Think Will Forever Be Enlightened
Author | Kelub Israel Dunbar
Publisher | Outskirts Press
Published Date | September 26, 2019
Genre | Motivational / Self-help / Spirituality
ISBN-13 | 978-1977215956
Paperback Price | $17.60
About the Author
Kelub Dunbar Born and raised in Lake Charles, Louisiana, life brought hardship in many ways. Moving from house to house several times in his life, the quality of living was worse than before. Keeping his dreams alive throughout a journey filled with poverty, he decided to join the military to escape. From the moment he entered, his outlook on the world, education, adversity in cultures, and spirituality blossomed him entirely. To be someone in his family with exposure to places in the world, ignited his hunger for greatness. His adventures unlocked his mind and spiritual creativity, one of which he has never witnessed done within his own family. Driven to bring his family out of the struggle, he is on a path that no one around him has journeyed before. Kelub began writing books, getting his degree, promoting in the military ranks, working on inventions and other goals to continue his journey to building an empire. This young man is on a mission to break the cycle of generational poverty his family has experienced, by sharing his wealth of wisdom and success. This book is his first gift to the world, affirming inspiration from the world sparks the light within us all

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 Bookexpo New Title
 Kelub Israel Dunbar

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