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“The $214,000 Mistake,” An Amazon Best-Selling Book is Free For One More Day (until 08/24/2018)

Pasadena, CA – WEBWIRE

Best Seller Publishing announces the release of James Lange’s new book, “The $214,000 Mistake: How to Double Your Social Security & Maximize Your IRAs, Proven Strategies for Couples Ages 62-70.” It will be available for free download in the Amazon Kindle Store for one more day on August 24th.

“The $214,000 Mistake -- How to Double Your Social Security and Maximize Your IRAs: Proven Strategies for Couples Age 62-70” helps married taxpayers get the most out of their Social Security benefits: more money for you and less for Uncle Sam. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of Social Security recipients don’t receive the benefits they are entitled to? Do you know why? Because, they don’t know how to optimize their benefits.

With clear examples and uncomplicated language, the book shows readers how to implement proven strategies that will prevent married couples from losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. The $214,000 difference referred to in the book title is shown in Figure 3, on page 19. The math for doubling Social Security can be found on page 20.

The book also covers how to combine optimal Roth IRA conversion strategies with the best Social Security strategies. The timing of Roth IRA conversions and Social Security distributions can easily make a difference of $1,000,000 or more. Under the newly passed Trump tax bill, the difference could be $1,500,000 or more. (See page 5). 

Furthermore, getting Social Security right is a woman’s issue. Getting Social Security wrong not only hurts the primary wage earner of the couple, but could be devastating for the dependent spouse, usually the wife. For example, if the primary-wage-earning-husband collects too early, not only will his benefit be less than half of what it could be, his wife will get less than half if he dies first. And, since statistically women live on average seven years longer than men, a man making the wrong decision about his Social Security could unnecessarily doom his wife to a life of poverty after he dies. 

Critical strategies covered in this book include:
• Why you should delay claiming your benefits—don’t forfeit $214,000 for all the wrong reasons.
• How to receive larger monthly checks with Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) and guaranteed annual 8% “raises.”
• How maximizing your benefit can provide your surviving spouse with a long-term security life-line.
• Optimal marital strategies including filing a restricted application.
• The financial synergy between Social Security and Roth IRA conversions—especially under the new laws.

“The $214,000 Mistake” by James Lange will be free and available for download on Amazon for 1 more day (08/24/2018) at:

“The $214,000 Mistake” has a 4.9-star rating on Here’s what some people are saying:

“Jim Lange has been a trusted advisor to our family for over twenty years. His acumen and foresight has proven invaluable over that time. Once again, he’s identified an area where a decision can mean a huge difference to people of retirement age. Forewarned is forearmed.” – JC

“Excellent quick take on when to take Social Security. The part about Roth IRA conversions was understandable but did not give sufficient guidance on how to go about deciding on your own. You really need an accountant to help you with that part. So there are two different strategies here, Social Security and IRA conversions to Roth IRA’s.” – Mark Fichman

For More Information:
For more questions or to schedule an interview about this press release please contact us at (626) 765-9750 or email .

Best Seller Publishing is a Los Angeles Publishing Company dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs become “the hunted” with their best-selling books. 
About the Author:
Jim’s estate and tax planning strategies have been endorsed by TheWall Street Journal (36 times), Newsweek, Money magazine, Smart Money, Bottom Line, and Kiplinger’s. His articles have appeared in Bottom Line, Financial Planning, The Tax Adviser, Journal of Retirement Planning, and four peer-reviewed articles in Trusts&Estates. Jim is a regular columnist for

Mr. Lange is the author of six best-selling books, including three editions of “Retire Secure!,” endorsed by Charles Schwab, Larry King, Ed Slott, Jane Bryant Quinn, Roger Ibbotson and 50 other experts; “The Roth Revolution,” endorsed by Ed Slott, Natalie Choate, Bob Keebler; “The Ultimate Retirement and Estate Plan for Your Million-Dollar IRA,” endorsed by Bill Flanagan, Paul Merriman, and Burton Malkiel; and “The $214,000 Mistake, How to Double Your Social Security and Maximize Your IRAs” endorsed by Larry Kotlikoff, Jonathan Clements, Paul Merriman, and Elaine Floyd.

Jim is the creator of Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan and The Roth IRA Institute. His analysis of the advantages and tax savings for Roth IRA conversions has been peer-reviewed by the top tax journal of the American Institute of CPAs. In addition, Jim has interviewed 15 IRA experts on his radio show, all of whom believe that most taxpayers, at some point, will benefit from a Roth IRA conversion—and that was before today’s favorable new tax environment made Roth IRAs even more advantageous.

For a complete discussion of the best ways to maximize your Social Security benefits call to request a free copy of our book “The $214,000 Mistake – How to Double Your Social Security & Maximize Your IRAs—Proven Strategies for Couples Ages 62-70.” The free audiobook is available at; and it can also be purchased from Amazon. 

But, to get you thinking about what you should do to maximize your Social Security benefits we offer this brief, but on-point summary of our book. 

  • If you apply at age 62, or as soon as you are eligible, your benefit amount starts lower and stays lower for the rest of your life.
  • Cost of living adjustments (COLAs) magnify the benefits of delayed claiming, as well as the detriments of early claiming.
  • Delaying your application for benefits becomes more advantageous the longer you live. And remember, protecting yourself in the event of a long life is most critical. Nobody wants to be old and destitute.
  • Since the surviving spouse will get the higher of the two benefits, it generally makes sense to plan for one benefit to be as high as possible.  This can also be a game-changer for the surviving spouse.
  • If you are married (or were married, but are now divorced), filing a Restricted Application for benefits could be a way for you to get more money from Social Security.
  • Even if you started with one strategy—perhaps claiming benefits too early—it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is too late to make a change.  

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 Social Security
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