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Vital Power - Wellness Living launches News Website


September is Heart Disease awareness month. September 24th has been designated as World Health Day. World Heart Day, organised by the World Heart Federation (WHF) and its members and co-sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNESCO and Sport for Development and Peace. The goal of this event is to to increase public awareness and promote preventive measures to reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke. Cardiovascular disease kill more prople in Amercian that any other disease, and what’s so startling is that it is not a natural cause of death.

In an article in Newsweek written By Dean Ornish M.D. he references a landmark INTERHEART study, led by Canadian researchers, followed 30,000 men and women in 52 countries on all continents. This study found that nine factors related to nutrition and
lifestyle accounted for almost 95 percent of the risk for a heart attack in men and women in almost every geographic region and in every racial and ethnic group worldwide. These factors were: smoking, cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption and psychosocial issues such as emotional stress and depression.

In other words, the disease that kills the most people each year worldwide and is the single largest expenditure of health-care dollars is almost completely preventable just by changing diet and lifestyle.

GNLD International, a pioneer in advanced nutritional solutions, has put together a Pro Vitality Pack geared towards filling the greatest nutritional deficiencies in our diet today. There are 3 core products in the Pro Vitality Pack
• Salmon Oil Plus - Omega 3s found in deep sea fish.
• Carotenoid Complex - Antioxidants found in brightly colored fruit and vegetables
• Tre-en-en - Whole Grain Oils, essenttial to proper cell functioning.

Vital Power Wellness Living, an independent GNLD disributorship has launched a 3 part news series on protecting your heart, to raise awareness of the benefits of the Pro vitality Pack.

Take action and start learning how to live well. Visit and read part 1, which focuses on Salmon Oil Plus.


 Healthy Living Lifestyle
 wellness programs
 nutritional supplements
 lifestyle coaching
 performance supplements

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