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Voice Of Ummah: Hamas In Elections – The Kuffar’s Trap


Palestine 14/3/2005, Khalid Saffarini

The decision by Hamas to take part in the July Palestinian elections is a catastrophic mistake. Such an action will place those who are sincere from the Islamic Ummah within Hamas, under the umbrella of an American ‘Palestinian’ coalition government and hence her rules, regulations and boundaries. This in turn will lead to the acceptance of a kufr Palestinian State as well as the state of ‘Israel’. With terminology such as the ‘occupied territories’ being coined by the U.S. and her agents, a Jewish withdrawal to the 1967 borders instead of 1948 would indirectly give acceptance to what Allah SWT has forbidden i.e. the existence of ‘Israel’. Furthermore this announcement will be a great victory for the U.S. as it shall give greater control to their darling Abbas as Hamas will have to eventually work under his auspices. In fact already Abbas has jubilantly stated, “This is a positive step that contributes to the participation of all Palestinians in Political Life”.

It is evident that the U.S. wish Hamas to be part of a new Palestinian government in order to act as the ‘extremist’ element to keep ‘Israel’ in check should it wish to try again to go against American wishes. In addition the Hamas involvement will also justify the U.S. calls for the Kufr of pluralism and democracy. Stated Saeb Erekat, “All the Palestinian parties are invited and encouraged to participate in these elections and to choose the path of democracy rather than any other path"

While the local elections were an indication of Hamas’ possible changes in attitude, former Hamas leader Imad al-Fallouji’s statement was more straightforward as he said this was a "sign of a serious change in Hamas’ ideology and shows the movement is aware a new chapter of political life is beginning" Does that change mean the acceptance of the unacceptable??!

Later this week, leaders of Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups will meet in Cairo for what the U.S. and Abbas hope will be a joint cease-fire declaration and working out of a possible political partnership in the PLO based on results in July’s election. We remind our brothers from Hamas of Allah SWT’s words:
“And believe in what I reveal overruling the revelation which is with you, and be not the first to reject, nor sell my Ayaat for a small price, and Fear Me And Me alone / And cover not the Truth with Falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when you know it…”[T.M.Q. 2: 41-42]

As for Hamas spokesman Moushir al-Masri, he has stated, "Hamas will not be transformed into a political party. It will remain a resistance movement until the goals of the people are achieved"
Inshallah we trust that when Moushir al-Masri referred to “the goals of the people”, he meant the rejection of a Kufr Palestinian State, the destruction of Israel and the establishment of the only acceptable solution - an Islamic State.



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