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Jared DiCarmine Creates New Program Utilizing The “Afterburn Effect” To Help Individuals Get Rid of Love Handles

Exercise Expert, Jared DiCarmine, has revolutionized abdominal fat reduction through utilization of the “afterburn effect.” Using this scientifically proven fat burning technique, individuals are now able to get rid of love handles easily


Jared DiCarmine, the owner of Ideal Fitness Trends, has made an innovative leap in the fight against obesity. After intensive study of individuals who are overweight in the lower abdominal region, DiCarmine has created a program based around the “afterburn effect” to help individuals get rid of love handles.

Love handles are one of the most persistent problem areas in overweight individuals. It is a particularly stubborn area of the body to get rid of fat. This is especially problematic due to the fact that prominent love handles are often portentous of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and enlargement of the heart.

DiCarmine, who has studied the problem of love handles for years, has finally come up with a solution. It is known as the “afterburn effect.” Weight lifters, in their quest to lose fat and build muscle, utilize this phenomenon on a regular basis. The simple explanation of the “afterburn effect” is that after a strenuous workout, there is an oxygen deficit in the body. In order to replenish this deficit, the body burns calories. These calories are burned directly from the bodies fat deposits such as excess abdominal weight.

DiCarmine has taken this proven fat burning method and applied it to a new program he created to teach overweight individuals how to get rid of love handles. Oftentimes trainers stand helplessly by as their clients struggle to rid themselves of excess abdominal fat. It has been scientifically proven that simple cardiovascular training and weights do not effectively target the oblique’s zone.

When asked about the “afterburn effect,” Dicarmine said that, “It has been amazing to witness how quickly my clients have seen results utilizing this technique. I’ve seen men lose a pants size in a matter of weeks.” He went on to explain that the “afterburn effect” is based around excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Simply stated, the body actually burns calories after strenuous exercise due to the oxygen debt.

DiCarmine presents his innovative approach to love handle elimination at his new website, Individuals that are interested in reducing their excess abdominal weight are encouraged to use the sites free information. DiCarmine has written a number of articles that will help individuals learn how to get rid of love handles


 Exercises for love handle
 how to lose love handles
 love handle workouts
 lose love handles
 get rid of love handles

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