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Biblical Timelines Intersect on May 19, 2011


May 19, 1780 was a historic “Dark Day” in New England. “The darkness was so complete that candles were required from noon on. It did not disperse until the middle of the next night.” Many took the unexplained darkness as an apocalyptic sign. (Wikipedia)

The anniversary 200 years later, May 19, 1980 was another dark day as ash from Mt St Helens erupting May 18, spread over three northwestern states. Mere coincidence? Dr. Richard Ruhling, author and Bible prophecy speaker believes God was marking May 19 – “the day of the Lord… a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,” Zephaniah 1:14,15.

Timeline #2: Ruhling says Christ’s words: "You don’t know the day or hour…" , are misunderstood. He says the Greek word, eido, means consider or understand. Christ was saying, You don’t understand, and each time he said it, he gave an example that fit a provision in their law for Passover a month later, “as in the days of Noah,” when the Flood (calamity) came at Passover time, but in the second spring month.

Jewish law also specified a late Passover if you were away on a trip (Numbers 9:10,11). Christ introduced his last parable by saying, “You don’t know…watch, for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling to a far country…” Could he be returning for a non-rapture event that initiates judgment at second Passover?

Passover was the context of when judgment fell on Egypt, Jericho and Sodom. Christ’s teaching supports the possibility that when the judgment comes to America, it could fit these clues, and this year the 2nd Passover falls on May 19, a date already marked.

Passover is a Jewish event, but Ruhling believes Christians should “watch and pray” on the evening of May 18 that God will pass over us in any judgment that falls. But he has 2nd thoughts: ”maybe like Elijah, we should pray that God will bring judgment to America to turn us to Him. Can we really pray, God bless America when we kicked Him out of class rooms and court rooms?”

For more information, readers may visit his websites at and


 May 19, 2011 Prediction
 Rapture v No Rapture
 Christ’s Wedding Parables

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