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Growth Hormone an anti-aging breakthrough or an expensive scam?


The pursuit of the Remedy has taken many of forms, from the proverbial fountain of youth, to the more recent, scientifically well researched, Human Growth Hormone.

Reasons in support of this include better medicine, replacement surgery, nourishment, supplements and currently, perhaps most valuable of all, hormone.

Therapies for anti-aging are not exactly recent. Famous clinics in Romania maintain attracted tens of thousands for Gerontology H3 injections - many of the rich and famous such as Conrad Adenauer, Gloria Swanson, Grouch Marx plus a number of 50,000 other patients engage in been injected. While these treatments possibly will maintain merit, not any have voted for the principles of drug testing such as controlled, randomized, dual blind clinical studies.

On July 5, 1990 everything was changed.
The results of this study triggered immense interest in hgh in the treatment of GHDA. The National Institutes on Aging, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, initiated a number of large clinical trials to test the effect of hormone replacement with human growth hormone and sex steroids on healthy men and women 65 to 88 years old. This is likely because they recognize that fully 40 % of adults over 60 have IGF-I levels the same as growth stunted children or individuals suffering from pituitary damage.

According to recent studies, it has been demonstrated that strength can be enhanced by the human growth hormone treatment that is intended for the aging adults.
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