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Barnes & Noble Announces November “More In Store™” Offers Available Only on the NOOK™ Family of eBook Readers ‘Tis the Season to Be Thankful for…Fantastic Authors


New York, NY –– Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the world’s largest bookseller, today announced the November line-up for the “More In Store™” program for the NOOK™ family of eBook Readers. Available only in Barnes & Noble stores and only on NOOK, the free More In Store program offers NOOK customers new, exclusive content from bestselling and new authors, special offers and savings, and weekly bestseller and new release lists.

Barnes & Noble’s free in-store Wi-Fi service makes access to More In Store content easy. With just a simple tap of the NOOK “shop” button, customers can explore content from authors such as Pat Conroy, Cecily von Ziegesar and Frances Mayes, and in-store promotions including special savings and free café offers. More In Store is updated weekly and each new feature is available for four weeks on a rolling basis. Once a customer downloads the content to their NOOK, it is saved to their digital locker and can be accessed at any time.

The Barnes & Noble More In Store for NOOK November line-up includes:

* November 7
The Tiger by Pat Conroy
Beloved, bestselling author Pat Conroy delighted millions with his triumphs of storytelling. In this exclusive essay for Barnes & Noble, he shares the story of the majestic beast that inspired the pivotal scene in his blockbuster, The Prince of Tides.

There’s a Reason It’s Not Called Thankstaking by Ellen Rogers
Ellen Rogers’ heartwarming memoir of the frisky capuchin monkey who has become an integral part of her family is winning over readers all over the country. In this exclusive story about family and gratitude, just in time for Thanksgiving, she talks about the worst moment in a mother’s life and the joy that’s come after.

* November 14
What It Took by Cecily von Ziegesar
Gossip Girl creator Cecily von Ziegesar has turned her hand to writing about college in her new release, Cum Laude. In this exclusive essay for NOOK owners, she talks about her own experiences in college and how they brought her to where she is today.

Top Five Foodie Destinations in Italy by Frances Mayes
Frances Mayes, the author of Under the Tuscan Sun, is sharing foodie tips exclusively for Barnes & Noble. Mayes lists the top five places to eat if you’re planning a trip to Italy anytime soon.

* November 21
How Not to Look Like a Frump, Tart or Freak by Clinton Kelly
Whatever your style, Clinton Kelly can help. The author and host of TLC’s What Not to Wear shares fashion advice and words of wisdom, exclusively for NOOK owners.

Read Pink! by Eloisa James
This fall, a group of romance authors have banded together with their publisher, Penguin Books, to help promote breast cancer awareness. Join New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James as she discusses the great strength and humor displayed by the heroines written by these queens of romance.

* November 28
Being Grateful for the Little Things by Lesley M. M. Blume
In this reflection on gratitude, children’s author Lesley M. M. Blume finds much to admire among the fairy world, mostly unseen by humans. In this exclusive essay, Blume shares what we can learn from fairies that will make us happier creatures.

The Top Five Questions Parents Ask by John Medina
“How do I raise a smart child?” “How can I be sure my baby will be happy?” John Medina, New York Times bestselling author of Brain Rules for Baby, has answers for anxious parents in this exclusive essay for Barnes & Noble readers.

* eBook Bestsellers and eBook New Releases Lists
As always, NOOK readers can access Barnes & Noble NOOKbook™ Bestseller and NOOKbook New Releases lists. The lists are available as a part of the “shop” feature on NOOK and offer book overviews, free sample chapters and customer ratings to help readers with buying decisions.

NOOKbook Bestsellers for the week of November 1 include: The Confession by John Grisham, Worth Dying For (Jack Reacher Series No. 15) by Lee Child, The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America’s Childhood by Jane Leavy, Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas and Fall of Giants by Ken Follett.

Recent new release NOOKbook titles include: Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 1 by Mark Twain, Life by Keith Richards, The Templar Salvation by Raymond Khoury, Crave (Fallen Angels Series No. 2) by J. R. Ward and Gauntlgrym: Neverwinter, Book I by R. A. Salvatore.

About Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the world’s largest bookseller and a Fortune 500 company, operates 717 bookstores in 50 states. Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, also operates 633 college bookstores serving nearly 4 million students and faculty members at colleges and universities across the United States. Barnes & Noble is the nation’s top bookseller brand for the seventh year in a row, as determined by a combination of the brand’s performance on familiarity, quality, and purchase intent; the top bookseller in quality for the second year in a row and the number two retailer in trust, according to the EquiTrend® Brand Study by Harris Interactive®. Barnes & Noble conducts its online business through Barnes & (, one of the Web’s largest e-commerce sites, which also features more than two million titles in its NOOKbook™ Store ( Through Barnes & Noble’s NOOK™ eReading product offering, customers can buy and read NOOKbooks on the widest range of platforms, including NOOK eReaders, devices from partner companies, and hundreds of the most popular mobile and computing devices using free NOOK software.

General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be obtained via the Internet by visiting the company’s corporate website:


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